by Rev. Richard Barker
My dear parishioners, grace and peace in the Lord’s name! Our liturgical ministries were greatly reduced when we had Mass off-campus after Imelda and during last year's virus quarantine. We don't know what 2021 will bring. Nevertheless, we must rekindle our lay adult liturgy teams which support the Mass. We have three teams: 1) lay readers 2) extraordinary ministers of the eucharist, and 3) sacristans. These three teams assist the pastor and are needed at each Mass.
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Our next lesson on how we can put our faith in action will be on Sunday, February 7...
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Beginning February 17, JCF will be studying the upcoming Sunday readings using Emmaus Journey Reflections...
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by Rev. Richard Barker
My dear parishioners, in recent weeks, several instances of spontaneous “shout outs” and overly loud voices have occurred in the celebration of daily and Sunday Mass. No one ever has discovered an easy way to approach, sort out and resolve this sort of thing. But as I am appointed to lead and guide, I would deem it a pastoral failure if I didn’t address these concerns clearly and firmly.
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by Rev. Richard Barker
My dear parishioners, despite this past year deserving to be forgotten for its troubles, Christ Our Shepherd led all of us to “springs of living water,” to slake our thirst for the “grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit.” [Rev 7:17; ROMAN MISSAL, Introductory Rites 2011] ...
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by Rev. Richard Barker
My dear parishioners, King Herod (called “Great”) ruled the eastern Mediterranean at the time of Jesus' birth. The Judean king, exhausted by his relentless pursuit of administering and preserving power, eventually became incompetent and mentally unstable, a final decay not uncommon to ruthless and aging sovereigns. Toward the end of his reign, executions and exiles, palace politics and poisonings were not uncommon. Plots and counterplots, both real and perceived, swirled around Herod’s head like smoke...
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