The Knights of Columbus, Council 9794 at St. Philip, celebrated the installation of new officers on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at our Parish Center. Our newly appointed Grand Knight, Ray Kessler, was among the nine inducted officers. Eight wives also attended. A joyful dinner followed at nearby El Jimador Grill. Our KofC brothers look forward to resuming charitable events in support of many St. Philip needs with proceeds from BBQ rib and chili sales, parish dinners, and the annual golf tournament (cancelled this year due to COVID). We take pride in participating in Parish ministries. Please talk to one of our Knights who are Ushers, Lectors, Sacristans, and Choir members. You will be glad you did! The KCs enable good men to become better Catholics, engaged in service to the Parish, Church, and community. For more information call Ray Kessler at 832-644-8078 or: