God asks you, How well do you share my love? By supporting the Diocesan Services Fund (DSF), you sponsor 64 ministries which care for poor and neglected people. You participate in God’s divine plan. God gives us every grace and blessing, indeed everything we have. I ask you dear parishioners to thoughtfully consider your commitment to DSF 2023. Let’s get a “jump start” on achieving this year’s goal. Here are three options. 1) Fill out your personal PLEDGE CARD and mail it, or place it in the collection basket at Mass. 2) GO ONLINE to contribute: http://www.archgh.org/dsf/donate . 3) OR capture the SCAN CODE printed in this Spirit &Truth edition with your smartphone. Read the DSF story! Then, pray in gratitude for all that God has given to you. Pray for all those who will be blessed this coming year by your personal gift, those in need whom you already love!